Gauranga Das

Gauranga Das is an AUTHOR | Director - Govardhan Ecovillage, India | ISKCON Governing Body Commission | #MonkForAction | LIFE COACH

Gauranga das motivational speaker at Jaikrit speaker bureau

Gauranga Das: A Visionary Leader Bridging Spirituality, Sustainability, and Corporate Excellence

Gauranga Das is a globally recognized thought leader, motivational speaker, and sustainability advocate with a profound ability to inspire transformation in the corporate world. He seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with modern business insights to address contemporary challenges in leadership, teamwork, sustainability, and well-being.

With over 25 years of experience in leadership development and spiritual education, Gauranga Das serves as a guiding light for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals. His powerful presentations and workshops provide actionable strategies to enhance productivity, build high-performing teams, foster inclusive leadership, and drive sustainable growth. His mission is to elevate businesses into purpose-driven organizations that balance profit with a higher sense of responsibility and compassion.

Professional Expertise and Achievements

As a Director at the Govardhan Ecovillage, a UNESCO award-winning eco-community, Gauranga Das has been instrumental in implementing sustainable development models. His work in integrating green practices and eco-conscious leadership has been acknowledged globally, making him a sought-after advisor for businesses seeking to adopt environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks.

Gauranga Das has also been a key speaker at various international forums, including the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, where he advocates for a holistic approach to business that combines financial success with societal well-being. His expertise lies in developing mindful leadership, promoting values-based culture, and integrating ethical practices that resonate deeply with modern corporate goals.

Event Topics 

1. Mindful Leadership and Decision-Making: Learn how to lead with clarity, compassion, and confidence by integrating mindfulness and ethical principles into decision-making processes.

2. Building High-Performance Teams Through Trust and Values: Explore strategies to cultivate a cohesive, motivated, and purpose-driven workforce grounded in trust and shared values.

3. Sustainability in Business: A Path to Long-Term Success: Discover the principles of eco-conscious leadership and how embracing sustainability can drive profitability and brand loyalty.

4. Stress Management and Work-Life Balance: Techniques and insights to enhance mental well-being, productivity, and personal fulfillment in high-pressure corporate environments.

5. Leading with Purpose: Integrating Spirituality into Corporate Vision: Learn how spiritual principles can be harnessed to inspire a culture of purpose, resilience, and ethical growth.

6. Effective Leadership During Crisis: Insights on navigating uncertainty with wisdom, maintaining morale, and turning challenges into opportunities.

7. Inspiring Innovation and Creative Thinking: Develop an innovative mindset that blends logical analysis with intuitive insight to create breakthrough solutions.

8. The Power of Gratitude and Positive Culture in Business Success: Understand the transformative role of gratitude and appreciation in building thriving corporate cultures.

9. Ethical Decision-Making and Corporate Governance: Explore frameworks for integrating ethics into business strategies, ensuring long-term sustainability and stakeholder trust.

10. Sustainable Leadership for the Future: Aligning Growth with Social Impact: Foster a forward-looking vision that aligns business growth with environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Past Conferences

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The Art of Focus: 45 Stories to Uplift the Mind and Transform the Heart

Gauranga Das with Jaikrit Speaker Bureau
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the world we live in, more so than all the recent events put together. The pandemic has made humans question certain assumptions, relook at priorities and adjust life according to the new normal in the twenty-first century. As we take stock of life ahead, beyond this cusp of change, focus emerges as the fulcrum to help ease this transformation. The Art of Focus, the second book in this three-part series, presents forty-five simple stories filled with revelations to enthral readers with learnings from the experiences of the protagonists and the dynamics of the situations that manifested in their lives. The first book in the series, The Art of Resilience, presented ingredients to the readers to help them develop resilience in challenging situations that manifested at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Art of Focus builds on the first book and inspires the resilient heart to develop a focused mind. This collective presentation will better equip the readers to take charge of their lives and adapt to the new normal effectively.

The Art of Resilience: 40 Stories to Uplift the Mind and Transform the Heart

Gauranga Das with Jaikrit Speaker Bureau
Losing sleep over what others think about you? Or can't care less? Happiness in life nonetheless depends on what you think about yourself. Social media has certainly given us individual authorship over how we present ourselves to the world. Susceptible to live by the dictates of 'likes' and 'comments' of others, we network with the world in a carefully filtered image of ourselves. But is it truly our authentic self that we are presenting to the world? Can it cater lasting happiness and honest relationships? In this first volume of Yoga Stories, Gauranga Das takes you on an inner journey to explore your inner self, beyond the hills of expectation, through the valleys of disapprovals and beneath the layers of self-deception. Thus, bringing you closer to the home of your heart, enabling you to open the door and introduce yourself, to finally meet, the real you.

Marathi version of The Art of Resilience: 40 Stories to Uplift the Mind and Transform the Heart

Gauranga Das with Jaikrit Speaker Bureau
जेव्हा गौरांग दास यांनी सांगितलेल्या गोष्टी तुम्ही तुमच्या जीवनामध्ये वापराल तेव्हा निश्चितच तुमचं हृदयपरिवर्तन होईल. तुम्हाला एका वेगळ्याच शांततेचा अनुभव मिळेल. यामुळे तुम्ही जास्त प्रभावीपणे निर्णय घेऊ शकाल आणि योग्य दिशेने प्रगती करू शकाल. त्यांचं जीवन आणि शिकवणीमुळे मी अतिशय प्रभावित झालो आहे. आता तीच शिकवण या पुस्तकरूपाने तुमच्यासाठी उपलब्ध झाली आहे. - जय शेट्टी, ‘न्यूयॉर्क टाइम्स’चे बेस्टसेलर लेखक तुम्ही अति विचारांच्या गर्तेमध्ये हरवलेले आहात का? कोणता निर्णय घ्यावा, या विचारांनी तुमची झोप उडाली आहे का? जीवन, कामधंदा आणि नातेसंबंध या सगळ्या गोष्टींमध्ये प्रगती करून जीवनाला जास्त चांगला अर्थ प्राप्त व्हावा असं तुम्हाला वाटतं का? आईन्स्टाईन एकदा म्हणाले होते की, ज्ञान हे शाळेत जाण्यामुळेच मिळतं असं नाही तर जीवनभर ते मिळवण्यासाठी केलेल्या प्रयत्नांनी ते प्राप्त होत असतं. तुमची शोधमोहीम या पुस्तकाच्या माध्यमातून जास्त चांगल्या प्रकारे सुरू होऊ शकते. या पुस्तकातील महान कथा आणि त्यामधून घ्यावयाचा बोध याच्या माध्यमातून गौरांग दास हे आपल्याला एका वेगळ्याच यात्रेवर घेऊन जातात. अपेक्षांच्या आणि अस्वीकृतीच्या दर्‍याखोर्‍यांमधून पलीकडे जाऊन आपल्याला आपल्या खर्‍या अस्तित्वाची ओळख करून देतात. यामुळे आपल्या हृदयाची दारं खुली होतात आणि आपल्याला खर्‍या आध्यात्मिक अस्तित्वाची जाणीव होते. गौरांग दासजी आपल्यामध्ये असलेलं असामान्य सामर्थ्य आणि लपलेल्या गोष्टींची आपल्याला जाणीव करून देतात. - विवेक बिंद्रा, बड़ा बिझनेसचे संस्थापक आणि सीईओ.

The Art of Habits: 40 Stories to Uplift the Mind and Transform the Heart

Gauranga Das
Such has been the transformative effect of the Covid-19 pandemic globally that, today, we have begun to describe events in the world as pre-Covid and post-Covid. As we brace ourselves for life in the new world order, cultivating conducive and sustainable habits has become more important than ever before. As the final book in the three-volume series (after The Art of Resilience and The Art of Focus), The Art of Habits presents forty simple stories filled with deep revelations. What will enthral the readers is the engaging narration, the dynamics of the situations that manifest and the deep learnings from such episodes. While The Art of Resilience presented ingredients for the reader to inculcate resilience in challenging situations manifested at the beginning of the pandemic, The Art of Focus inspired the resilient heart to develop a focused mind during the multiple Covid waves. Now, The Art of Habits provides ideas for the focused reader to cultivate conducive and sustainable habits to adapt with the paradigm shift created by the pandemic, instilling in the reader a resolute mindset to handle multiple such unexpected transformative events in the future.

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